Over this past weekend Kevin and I had the opportunity to visit my Mom and Dad in Western Maryland. I had an absolutely terrific time and w...
Keepers of the Peace
Remembering all those brave men and women who have lost their lives serving and protecting our country. Wishing everyone a Happy Memorial Da...
Why Do Progressives Want to Reduce Humans to Shapeshifting Animalia?
While working in the great outdoors sometimes I get to listen to the radio and one day this past week I heard that Redwood Heights Elementar...
Talking Cat Funnies
Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu Addresses AIPAC, Interview With Hannity
Here is Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech at AIPAC Here is Prime Minister Netanyau's interview with Sean Hannity H/T The Sean Hanni...
EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS -- 5-24-11 - Brian Setzer/Stray Cats
EAGLE FRE EDOM LINKS American Perspective -- Kathy Ireland Speaks Out to Defund Planned Parenthood-Rule 5 Atlas Shrugs -- Muslim North Atta...
Monster Tornado in Joplin, MO: The Devastation and Destruction
Here is a first person video of the tornado. I couldn't even imagine going through something like this. The people in this video hud...
Nutty News
First off I have to let you know that my links aren't going to be done til' Tuesday, partially because I wasn't feeling well for...
Rule 5 - Purrrr....Catwomen
Today, I was remembered watching the old T.V. show called Batman so I decided to post all the women who have played Catwoman over the years ...
Israel Betrayed by Obama
Did Comrade Obama just fall off planet EscrewIsrale Kookdom? Did Obama's alter ego reveal his anti-semitic or anti-Israel sympathies? ...
Gene Simmons Lambasts President Obama's Israel Policy: "He Has No F-Ing Idea What The World Is Like"
WOW! Gene Simmons is on fire! I didn't realize that Simmons was born in Israel until I saw this on HotAir - (whose real name BTW is C...