First, the Obama White House launched the campaign website called AttackWatch.Com which asks citizens to spy and snitch on their neighbor...
Judie Brown, President of American Life League, Speaks on Palliative Care: The Third Path to Hell Or The Road to Christ
I hope to make the rounds to all my favorite blogs soon but between dealing with major pain issues and an increased work schedule I am lacki...
Nick Vujicic Sings Something More
This is so beautiful and inspirational!
Alabama Judge Gives Criminals Choice: Jail Or Church?
An Alabama judge is giving non-violent, misdemeanor offenders a choice, go to jail or go to Church. From NBC Miami : A small-town judge in...
President Netanyahu at The U.N.: "The Truth Is..., I Cannot Make Peace Alone..."
Thanks to Atlas Shrugs here is the entire text of Benjamin Netanyahu's speech: Ladies and gentlemen, Israel has extended its hand in pe...
Obamacare's Sterilization and Contraceptive Insurance Mandate May Force Catholic Charities Free Clinic To Close Doors
A few years back Catholic Charities in Pittsburgh opened a free medical clinic which serves the uninsured in the area. Unfortunately due to ...
I have been sick on and off for the past month with my symptoms getting worse. I thought I was on the mend after my second set of antibiotic...
Tucker Carlson PWNS Greta Van Susteren; Greta Is Dumberer
Tucker Carlson's site The Daily Caller reported the vile, disgusting smut that Mike Tyson said about Sarah Palin. There are clearly q...
Dancing With The Stars and The Natural Law
Leticia of My Daily Trek recently posted on Chastity-Chaz Bono, a transgender individual, who will be a contestant on "Dancing With Th...
Rule 5 - Michele Bachmann Talks With Jay Leno
More Rule 5 Woodsterman - Repubs. Vs. Dems Or Rule 5 Woodsterman Style Reaganite Republican - TV Girls I had a Crush on When I was 15: ...
Some Saturday Toons
In Barack Obama's Own Words: Anti-White Rhetoric - Racist?
Does Obama sound just a little obsessed with Black America or blacks? What happened to Martin Luther King Jr's colorless America? Is th...
Paul Ryan Explains How To Fix Tax Code
I agree with Paul Ryan's ideas on how to fix our tax code. If we fix the tax code this would also help to boost our economy.
MIni Eagle Freedom Links -- 9-13-11 -- Remembering 9/11 Edition
Allied Liberty News - BHO's Cop Killer Connections! (more than you knew!) Barking Spider - Identified:The UAF "Comedian" Who ...
George W. Bush at Flight 93 Memorial: "One of the lessons of 9-11 is that evil is real and so is courage."
We Must Never Ever Forget 9/11
How could we, as a nation, ever forget 9/11? Unfortunately it seems like some have distanced themselves from the reality of those horrific a...