Bishop Gregori of Let The Truth Be Known did a beautiful and awesome post on Our Lady of Fatima so I thought I would share an introduction...
Powerful Santorum Ad Features Miracle Daughter
This is amazing. Santorum is the real thing. He is a faithful Catholic and is what a Catholic politician should be. God Bless him and his...
Sexy and Halloween are a Great Mix
Bishop Lori Defends Religious Liberty In Front Of House Judiciary Committee
Here is Bishop Lori's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. Mr. Chairman and distinguished members of the Subcommittee, all...
On Foreign Policy, Ron Paul, and Missionaries
Before starting this post I want to let everyone know that my entire family will be getting together to celebrate my parents 50th wedding an...
Is Anti-American Anti-War Film Propaganda Supporting and Reinforcing the Jihad Way?
In the article called U.S. Soldier Who Faced Jihadist Assassin in Germany: "When I looked up, the pistol was in my face. I heard the wo...
Ginni Thomas Interview with Rev. C.L. Bryant Part 1: His Conversion to Conservatism, Liberals Hijacking of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream
He's right when he states that race hustlers such as the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have turned Martin Luther King Jr.'s...
53% vs "99%" - Personal and Financial responsibility versus entitlement mentality and dependency
The "99%" has made a claim that they represent the rest of the Americans who aren't rich in this country. Is this true? No. ...
Back from hospital and will be taking it easy
I had surgery on Monday and then on Thursday I started to have bleeding problems so I was admitted into the hospital on Thursday evening. A...
An Example of Civil Discourse by the Left: A Marxist Spews Racist, Hateful Remarks & Assaults Tea Party Member
H/T Breitbart
Constitutional Rights: Occupy Protesters vs. the Media
I guess protesters only care about their constitutional rights. To heck with others constitutional rights.
Lions, Tigers, and Bears Oh My!
The Owner of a wild animal reserve was found shot to death and several wild animals escaped and are/were on the loose in Zanesville, OH. Ab...
Eagle Freedom Linkarama
Instead of doing my Eagle Freedom Links today I have decided to do something a little different. This is partially due to my not having eno...
Victoria Jackson Visits "Occupy Wall Street"
H/T Patriotupdatereport
Rule 5 - Hillary Scott
More Rule 5 Proof Positive - Friday Night Babe Eye Of Polyphemus - Adrianne Curry Maggie's Notebook - Paris Hilton Randy's Roun...
History of Our United States Navy During the American Revolution
On this date in 1775 the Continental Congress authorized construction and administration of the first naval forces in America, what later be...
Pot Meets Kettle: Michael Voris Says Ya Gotta Be Kidding!
This is going to be a little controversial for those who aren't Catholic. I just want to say that as a Catholic I respect others' b...
Hank Williams Jr. Has Some Fightin' Words for Fox & Friends and ESPN
Glenn responds to the Hank Williams Jr. controversy where people falsely accused him of comparing Obama to Hitler. Glenn, Stu, and Pat poin...
Occupy Wall Street Protesters: Are they Astroturf Useful Idiots Who Represent The Bums Of America?
I don't normally watch that channel called CNN but my friend Erin Burnett has a new show called Outfront on CNN which is pretty good. I...
Rick Santorum at Values Voter Summit: Partial-birth Abortion, DOMA, National Security, "0-0-0" Plan, and an Emotional Personal Story About His Son Gabriel
Eagle Freedom Links - Halloween Scary Movies Edition - October 9, 2011
EAGLE FREE DOM LINKS American Perspective - Social Justice Versus Charity, What Does Go...