Ya know how life can throw a curve ball every now and then, well.... I just returned home from the hospital. Yesterday I started having ches...
American Muslims Stone Christians; Dearborn MI Police Officers are Islamic Supremacy Sympathizers
The Dearborn, MI police officers are useless pieces of garbage IMO. They aid and abet in the Islamic supremacy, intolerance and persecution...
Gruesome photos of forced abortion puts spotlight on China's one child policy
"At 3 a.m. on June 4, three days after being illegally locked up by the local government, Feng Jianmei, a 7-month pregnant woman in a s...
Is the HHS Targeting Babies With Down Syndrome? Link Between Prenatal Testing & an Increase in Abortions?
While many of us have been focused on the HHS mandate if we take another look behind the curtain there is something else that Sebelius, the ...
Most Corrupt States in America
The Center for Public Integrity has released the scores of a their report which investigated the risk of corruption and lack of accountabili...
Charlie Brown Presents...The Birth of the Constitution
On this date in 1788 The United States Constitution was ratified. New Hampshire was the ninth state and the last state necessary to ratify ...
Stop, Ask, Think: 5 Questions Before You Leave The Catholic Church
Jennifer Fulwiler has written a great article, 5 Questions Before You Leave The Catholic Church , to both fallen-away Catholics and those t...
Adidas 'JS Roundhouse Mids' Promoting Slavery?
First I want to say that other than the shoes having my favorite color purple on them I think that these shoes look ridiculous. What do you ...
Remembering all dads who have passed away
John at Sentry Journal reminded me of this song with his post where he remembers his father, describes how much that he misses him on thi...
Mini Eagle Freedom Links - Odds and Ends Edition
I want to wish all dads and grandfathers a Happy Father's Day! Somehow on May 5 I missed my 3rd blogaversary. In some ways I can beli...
Face of Pro-Life: Religious Liberty
Fr. Angelo Geiger and Corinn Dahm discuss the Religious Liberty issue surrounding the HHS Contraception Mandate. They relate this to other i...
MIni Eagle Freedom Links -- Obamacare is Bad for America Edition
I will posting more links within a couple days but I at least wanted to post some links even though I have been feeling under the weather du...
This Day in 1987... Ronald Reagan: Mr. Gorbachev Tear Down This Wall
Let us all follow in Ronald Reagan's footsteps and stand up for freedom against the Communists - those living inside the United States -...
Navy Drone Crashed Near Salisbury, MD
I just found out via Reaganite Republican that a drone aircraft crashed earlier today near my hometown of Salisbury, Md. The Navy is now in...
"Open-Minded" -- Brain Cells Where Art Thou?
pics on Sodahead Being open-minded does not mean that you're supposed to let your brain cells pour out through a sieve and ignore realit...
Cory Feldman "the number one problem in Hollywood was, and is, and always will be pedophilia"
I have started to do a bit of house cleaning of my blog and for some reason this post was never published which surprised me since I thought...
Rule 5 Sexy Body Paint Edition
More Rule 5 Postings American Power- Decade of Hotties Camp of the Saints - Rule Five Saturday Classic Liberal – Rule 5 – Mary Elizabeth...
Bill Press called our National Anthem an 'abomination'
Progressive radio host Bill Press called our National Anthem an 'abomination' and said that he hates it on his radio show on June 5....
A powerful must see movie - For Greater Glory
I am looking forward to seeing this movie in the theater. This week is a busy week so hopefully the hubby and I will have the time to see it...
WI Police Officers & Pro-Union Thugs are Freaking Fascist Liberals
The WI police officers at the Dem rally for Tom Barrett arrested a Pro-Walker marine. The police officers and the man at the end of the sec...