In one way yes, in one way no. I do not believe in government dependency and I am not voting for Obama just so I can get "free stuff...
#Pa Vote for Tom Smith Make Him Our Next U.S. Senator, Vote Casey Out of Office
Tom Smith is the GOP candidate in Pennsylvania challenging Sen. Casey for his seat. Here is a video of a speech he gave in February. The man...
Catholic League Responds to "Piss Christ" : Obama Bobblehead With "Feces"
I just couldn't resist. H/T Gothamist
I'm Home from the Hospital
I am home from the hospital. Thank you everyone for all your thoughts and prayers. They are much appreciated. I am so blessed. I am also ...
My Thoughts On ... Obama Campaign Redesigns American Flag, Foreign Policy Run By Dr. Phil?, and The Hobbit
Every time I've tried to write something on politics in the past few days I have had a brain freeze or something so I haven't writte...
Fr. Barron Comments on Paul Ryan and Catholic Social Teaching
Note: Kevin and I have been MIA from blogging the past few days or so because we had family in town visiting. I will make my blog rounds sh...
Obama Admin Appeasement, Libyan Muslim Killings of Americans, and Justice
Why was this administration's initial reaction of the Libyan killings of four U.S. diplomats, one of whom was our ambassador, and anothe...
This is in the "You're Not Going To Believe This" Category
You know how I was supposed to have surgery on Sept. 10. Well, in a freak circumstance my hysterectomy didn't happen. My surgery date h...
Fighting Back Against The Radicals
As I was riding to work one day this week I heard a clip of Bill Clinton's speech where he says that the Republican Party is controlled ...
Mini Eagle Freedom Links - Hysterectomy Sept. 10, Republican Catholic Minded Politicians, Movie Recommendations
EAGLE FREE DOM LINKS Since April of this year my endometriosis pain has increased to the point of being excruciating. Last October I had su...
From Milton Wolf: Joe Biden -- One Heartbeat From Hilarious!
H/T WolfFiles
Undercover Video: Prize Horses Tortured?
As a horse lover seeing the utter exploitation and abuse of such beautiful animals highly infuriates me. This type of mistreatment of horses...
Mini Eagle Freedom Links - RNC Convention and Dominoes Extravaganza Edition
I feel like the RNC Convention brought some fire to the campaign. Hopefully Romney/Ryan will continue to build on this momentum and enthusi...
Clint Eastwood RNC Speech
Clint Eastwood assails the empty suit with an empty chair. His performance was outstanding.